Rating: 5/5

This was one of the strangest books. For about the first half of the book I wasn’t certain it was for me and I really didn’t think I’d give it 5 stars. But there were some wild twists and turns and wow, what a wild ride! This book follows Leeds and Layla, a couple who fell quickly and madly in love. Shortly after a terrible attack occurs leaving them both injured and Layla fighting for her life. She recovers but the couple is having a hard time reconnecting and getting back to where they were emotionally. Leeds decides to bring her back to where their relationship started, a bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere. It is no longer in business but they are able to rent the big house for a bit while they try to reconnect. But strange things begin to happen in the house and Layla’s behavior seems even stranger at times.

I think I’m just going to leave the review here because I think it is best to just jump in and experience this one. It was strange but in a good way! If you’ve read this one, what did you think?

“When Leeds meets Layla, he’s convinced he’ll spend the rest of his life with her—until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the emotional and mental scarring has altered the woman Leeds fell in love with. In order to put their relationship back on track, Leeds whisks Layla away to the bed-and-breakfast where they first met. Once they arrive, Layla’s behavior takes a bizarre turn. And that’s just one of many inexplicable occurrences.

Feeling distant from Layla, Leeds soon finds solace in Willow—another guest of the B&B with whom he forms a connection through their shared concerns. As his curiosity for Willow grows, his decision to help her find answers puts him in direct conflict with Layla’s well-being. Leeds soon realizes he has to make a choice because he can’t help both of them. But if he makes the wrong choice, it could be detrimental for all of them.”

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