Rating: 3/5

I buddy-read this book with my mom, thinking it would help get her out of her reading slump and be a fun mother/daughter book for us! Well… that didn’t necessarily go as planned. Both of us thought this book was just okay. And while reading this, I ended up in one of my worst reading slumps of the year. Ugh! Not sure if the slump was caused by the book or not (maybe the million other things going on in the world right now?) Who knows.

But back to the book: This book is set in 1970 and follows Carly Sears, a 27 year old widow. Her husband had recently died in Vietnam. Shortly after, she had found out that she is pregnant and that her baby has a severe heart condition and may not survive long after birth. But her brother-in-law, Hunter, tells her something that may be able to save her baby, but could drastically change the course of her life, if it is even possible.

Without getting into too much detail and *spoilers*, this book does require you to suspend belief. It also is completely heartbreaking at times. I think the reason I rated it low, is because it was really slow at times and the ending wrapped up far too quickly and without much explanation.

“When Caroline Sears receives the news that her unborn baby girl has a heart defect, she is devastated. It is 1970 and there seems to be little that can be done. But her brother-in-law, a physicist, tells her that perhaps there is. Hunter appeared in their lives just a few years beforeโ€”and his appearance was as mysterious as his past. With no family, no friends, and a background shrouded in secrets, Hunter embraced the Sears family and never looked back.

Now, Hunter is telling her that something can be done about her baby’s heart. Something that will shatter every preconceived notion that Caroline has. Something that will require a kind of strength and courage that Caroline never knew existed. Something that will mean a mind-bending leap of faith on Caroline’s part.

And all for the love of her unborn child.

A rich, genre-spanning, breathtaking novel about one mother’s quest to save her child, unite her family, and believe in the unbelievable. Diane Chamberlain pushes the boundaries of faith and science to deliver a novel that you will never forget.

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